Frequently Asked Questions
Q – How does Chiropractic Work?
Chiropractic works because you are a self-healing organism controlled and regulated by your nervous system. Millions of instructions flow from your brain, down the spinal cord, and out to every organ and tissue. Signals sent back to the brain confirm whether your body is working as it should. Improper motion or position of the moving bones of the spine may interfere with this vital exchange by irritation nearby nerves and the tissue they control. Precise chiropractic adjustments are intended to improve mind-body communications. Health often returns with improved nervous system control of the body.
Q – Is Chiropractic Scientific?
Chiropractic is a science, art and philosophy. It’s scientific fact that your brain and nervous system control every cell, tissue and organ of your body. Research confirms that interferences to the nervous system change the way the body functions. Nerve interferences are most common along the spine. Objective tests help locate these spinal interferences, called subluxations, and precise chiropractic adjustments are designed to help correct or reduce them.
Q – What Does Chiropractic Cure?
Chiropractic doesn’t cure anything! Or is it a treatment for disease. If there’s going to be any curing, your body will do it. Not Doctors. And certainly not drugs. The best doctors reduce the interferences that may be preventing your body from expressing its inborn healing capacity. That’s why chiropractors are interested in the nervous system. With a revived nerve supply, your self-healing abilities are unleashed.
Q – Do I Have A Slipped Disc?
Separating each spinal bones is a special type of tissue called a disc. Its fibrous outer ring contains o jelly-like material. This soft center serves as a “ball bearing” for joint movement. Because of the way in which discs attach to the vertebrae above and below, it can’t actually “slip”. However, a disc can bulge, tear, herniate, thin, prolapse and dry out.
Q – Do I Have A Pinched Nerve?
A pinched nerve is actually rare. It’s more likely that a spinal bone will irritate, stretch, rub or chafe a nearby nerve root. These “subluxations” may distort the critical nerve messages sent from and to the brain. This may produce unhealthy alterations in the ways affected organs and tissues are able to function.
Q – How Do You Get Subluxations?
Subluxation’s are usually the result of physical emotional or chemical stresses. Physical stresses might include slips and falls, accidents, repetitive motions or improper lifting. Emotional stress such as grief, anger or depression may produce subluxations’. Alcohol, drugs or preservatives are common examples of chemical stress
Q – How Do I Know If I Have A Subluxation?
You can have subluxations and not know it. Like the early stages of tooth decay or even cancer, subluxations can be present without obvious symptoms. The result s of a thorough examination can reveal the location and severity of any subluxations you may have.
Q – Can Children Get Subluxations?
Yes. Learning to walk, riding a bike or playing sports can cause subluxations that are often passed off as mere “growing pains”. Chiropractic care detects and helps correct these spinal distortions, providing a clearer path toward proper development. Ignored, these problems may worsen until they become more difficult to correct as an adult.
Q – Can Subluxations Clear Up On Their Own?
Sometimes. Today’s hectic lives can be constant sources of subluxations. Fortunately, our bodies have the ability to self-correct many of these minor problems as we bend and stretch, or when we sleep at night. When subluxations don’t resolve, you need to see us for a Chiropractic adjustment.
Q – What Does An Adjustment Feel Like?
Adjustments feel good! Many patients report a sense of well-being and calming sense or ease. Repeated adjustments are often necessary, and if adjustments weren’t comfortable patients wouldn’t return. Chiropractors excel at making spinal adjustments comfortable and effective.
Q – Can The Bones Be Moved Too Much?
Unlikely. A chiropractic adjustment is special. It has the right amount of energy, delivered to the right place at the right time. The intent is to get a “stuck” spinal joint moving again, helping to reduce joint moving again, helping to reduce nerve interference. Years of training, practice and experience make chiropractic adjustments specific and effective.
Q – Could Adjustments Make My Spine Too Loose?
No. Generally, only the spinal joints that are stuck and “locked up” receive adjustments. The spinal joints that have had to compensate, becoming unstable, are passed over so weakened muscles and ligaments can heal and strengthen.
Q – Are Chiropractic Adjustments Safe?
Yes. A New Zealand government inquiry found that chiropractic adjustments are “remarkably safe.” A thorough examination helps identify the rare individual for whom chiropractic care might not be suited. Compare the statistics. Adjustments are about 100 times safer that taking a common, over-the-counter pain reliever.
Q – Can I Adjust Myself?
No. Some people may be able to make their joints “pop”, but that’s not an adjustment! Worse, damage may occur by habitually stressing the joints, muscles and ligaments. Adjustments are specific and take years to master. Even chiropractors must consult a colleague to benefit from chiropractic care.
Q – What Makes The “Popping” Sound?
Special fluids lubricate each spinal joint. Some adjusting methods can produce a sound as the gas and fluid in the joint shift – like releasing the pressure in a bottle of champagne. The sound, if it occurs, is fascinating, but isn’t a guide to the quality or effectiveness of an adjustment.
Q – Are All Patients Adjusted The Same Way?
No. Each patient’s spine is unique, and each patient’s care plan is different. With 24 spinal bones (that can each move in seven different directions), we see a wide variety of spinal patterns. Everyone’s care is tailored for his or help age, condition and health goals.
Q – How Many Adjustments Will It Take?
The number and frequency of adjustments vary from patient to patient. Most patients see some progress within a week or two. As supporting muscles and ligaments heal, visits may become less frequent. More difficult, longstanding cases may require regular visits over many months or years to make lasting changes.
Q – Can Patients With Osteoporosis Enjoy Chiropractic Care?
Of course. When developing a care plan chiropractors consider your unique circumstances. There are many ways to adjust the spine. The method selected is best suited to accommodate your age, size and any health issues you may have.
Q – Can I Have Chiropractic Care After Back Surgery?
Yes. Naturally, your chiropractor will avoid the surgically modified areas of your spine. Surgery has been known to cause instability above or below the involved area. More than likely, this will be the focus of your chiropractic care.
Q – Is It Safe For Pregnant Patients To Have Chiropractic Care?
Yes. Pregnancy may be one of the best times to benefit from chiropractic care. While it’s always best to have a properly working nervous system, it’s especially helpful during pregnancy. Adjusting methods are modified to a mother’s size, weight and condition. During this time of weight gain and hormonal changes, many mothers seek chiropractic care because it is drug free. Many report shorter and easier births.
Q – Why Would A Newborn Get Chiropractic Adjustments?
Even today’s “natural” childbirth methods can stress an infant’s spine. Colic, poor appetite, era infections or erratic sleeping habits may be signs of spinal distress from the birth process. Adjustments for babies are gentle. Knowing exactly where to adjust, the amount of pressure applied is no more that you’d use to test the ripeness of a tomato.
Q – Will I Receive Any Medication For My Pain?
No. Chiropractors don’t dispense drugs. Because we rely on natural methods, we can show you how to use ice to control painful symptoms. When properly used, ice can have analgesic effect without the side effects commonly associated with many pain medications.
Q – For How Long Will I Need Chiropractic Care?
After patients get the relief they want, many choose to continue with some type of periodic care. These visits can help support the final stages of healing and help detect and resolve new problems before they become serious. Our job is to offer the very best care we can, and your job is to decided how much of it you want.
Q – How Long Will My Recovery Last?
Results vary. Many report long-term changes including renewed energy and vitality. Naturally, those who have neglected their health or who have delayed their health or who have delayed taking action may not see lasting changes. Many discover the value of ongoing chiropractic checkups to help avoid a relapse.
Q – What If Chiropractic Doesn’t Work?
If we’re unable to find and reduce the underlying cause of your particular health problems, we’ll refer you to other trustworthy specialists who may be able to help. Your health and satisfaction are our only goal.
Now Scheduling Appointments
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Location: Suncrest Outpost
Address: 5978 Hwy 291,
Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026
Phone: 509.934.1981
Monday : 9:30 am – 6 pm
Tuesday : By Appointment
Wednesday : 9:30 am – 6 pm
Thursday : By Appointment
Friday : 9:30 am – 6 pm
Saturday : 10 am – 12 pm
Sunday : Closed