Meet Dr. Melinda A. Sauvage, DC
Dr. Melinda has been practicing since 2007 and is currently working to bring chiropractic to the Suncrest area. Dr. Melinda is a dedicated Chiropractor who specializes in serving her patients with exceptional natural health care. Her patients range from the young to the elderly, with a special emphasis on young children and pregnant women.
Her philosophy is one of managed care. She believes in serving her patients with the utmost care so that they can live happy, healthy, and balanced lives. Whether they are healthy or suffering an injury, she takes pleasure in providing them with a chiropractic solution that fits within their lifestyle needs.
Her goal is to serve you, our patient, with continuous support and confidentiality.
Dr. Melinda graduated from Cleveland Chiropractic College.
Realizing the Importance of Chiropractic on Overall Health.
At the heart of chiropractic is an understanding that the alignment of the spine affects the nervous system in a big way. For this reason, chiropractic care can improve a variety of conditions and disorders including anything from migraines to foot pain.
Therapeutic massage can be used to improve range of motion, increase blood circulation and lymph flow, reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure, alleviate pain in migraine sufferers, recover from accidents and sports injuries, and boost your immune system. Massage helps the body flush out toxins, which speeds tissue repair and aids in healing the body.
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Get Started Today!
Location: Suncrest Outpost
Address: 5978 Hwy 291,
Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026
Phone: 509.934.1981
Monday: 9:30 am – 6 pm
Tuesday: By Appointment
Wednesday: 9:30 am – 6 pm
Thursday: By Appointment
Friday: 9:30 am – 6 pm
Saturday: 10 am – 12 pm
Sunday: Closed